
Wanna see my ink? | Why ink? | Tatooine or Tattooing? | Carnivalesque | Inked and Inkers | Process and Pain | Have you had your cup o'culture today? | Feminization of Tattoo | The Future of the Tattoo


 "They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream by night."
~E.A. Poe

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...the Carnivalesque

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Tattoos juxtapose the fantastic and the carnivalesque.  The visual texts and liminality of tattooed bodies mystify readers with “the possible and the impossible” and “leave the reader [...] with no satisfying explanation of the strange” images they present (Cornwell).  They offer a “carnivalized writing” that turns the world on its head, often ridiculing societal power and emphasizing “subversive and anti-authoritarian of carnival” while embodying both death and rebirth by destroying purity for the creation of a work of art  (Dentith). 



"The universality of tattooing is a curious subject for speculation"
Captain James Cook - 1779